
Lakeside, Regimanuel, Sucasa Occupying La Tsui Anaa Land Illegally – Ashiyie Chief

By Isaac Boamah-Darko

The chief and youth of Ashiyie staged a protest at Lakeside Estate over the weekend, decrying the illegal occupation of La Tsui Anaa Lands by Lakeside, Regimanuel, and Sucasa. The long-standing land dispute has taken a shocking turn, with these companies defying Supreme Court rulings and putting innocent investors’ properties at risk.

Historical records show that Black Watch/Agri Cattle leased land from Nungua, with empirical evidence on the Gold Coast Map. Nungua initially acknowledged La’s ownership of the land around the lake, dubbed “Lakeside.” However, Lakeside and associates have fraudulently occupied over 10,000 acres, far exceeding the original 200 acres agreed upon.

Court battles have ensued, with the High Court granting approximately 50,000 acres to La, except for 2,900 acres already occupied by Lakeside. The Supreme Court later nullified all lower court rulings, declaring Lakeside non-existent and without capacity. Yet, Lakeside continues to sell land to private developers, defying court directives.

Sucasa has also presented a fraudulent title to the Lakeside Police, claiming they purchased land from Regimanuel. However, Regimanuel has refused to attest to the title’s authenticity, despite repeated requests from the police.

The Ashiyie Mantse and concerned citizens are urging the public to exercise caution when dealing with these companies, as their actions may be deemed illegal. They demand that the La Traditional Council’s rightful ownership of the land be respected, and the law be upheld to prevent further fraud and injustice.

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