
33,756 Ghanaian talents flock to Canada in 2023…Massive Surge in Brain Drain…63,375 applications in 4 months

By: Doreen Boamah Darko

Accra, Ghana – The exodus of Ghana’s best and brightest talent has reached crisis levels, as a staggering 63,375 Canadians visa applications were received in the first four months of 2024 alone. This surpasses the total number of applications for the entire previous year, with a significant increase in approval rates.

The trend is a stark indication of Ghana’s debilitating brain drain, as professionals and students seek better opportunities abroad. The country’s healthcare, education, and technology sectors are particularly hard hit, with many experts citing poor working conditions, inadequate infrastructure, and limited career advancement opportunities as reasons for their departure.

Ghana’s brain drain is not an isolated phenomenon. Across Africa, countries are grappling with the loss of skilled workers to developed nations. According to the United Nations, Africa loses approximately $4.3 billion annually in brain drain-related costs.

The Canadian visa application statistics are telling:

  • 2021: 9,109 applications
  • 2023: 62,151 applications (33,756 approved)
  • 2024 (Jan-Apr): 63,375 applications (6,241 approved in Jan, 5,826 in Feb, 3,749 in Mar, and 3,001 in Apr)

The significant drop in approvals in March and April suggests a potential bottleneck in the application process, but the overall trend is clear: Ghana’s talent is flocking to Canada in record numbers.

As Ghana struggles to retain its skilled workforce, the consequences of brain drain will only intensify. The government must act swiftly to address the root causes and create an enabling environment that encourages professionals to stay and contribute to the country’s development.

The world is watching, and Ghana’s future depends on its ability to stem the tide of brain drain.

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