
Fake Birth Certificates: Okaikwei North NDC Member Held

A member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has been detained by police in Okaikwei North for allegedly falsifying documents to register three voters ahead of the December elections. The individual, whose identity has not been disclosed, is accused of fabricating birth certificates for Emmanuel Gakpe, Umar Salifu, and Davidson Yaw Boadzo to include their names in the voter register.

According to police sources, two additional suspects implicated in the case are currently at large, and a search is underway to apprehend them. Documents obtained by Asaase News confirm the forgery, and a letter from the Birth and Death Registry dated June 11 states that none of the three names appear in their records.

The arrest comes as Ghana prepares for the December elections, and concerns about voter registration fraud have been raised by various stakeholders. The police are investigating the matter further to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

This incident highlights the need for vigilance in preventing voter registration fraud and ensuring the credibility of the electoral process. As the elections approach, it is essential that all stakeholders prioritize the integrity of the process to maintain public trust and confidence in the democratic system.

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