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EC Backtracks: Political Party Agents Allowed at Vote Transfer Centres

In a dramatic turnaround, the Electoral Commission (EC) has lifted its controversial ban on political party agents from observing the vote transfer exercise. The reversal comes just two days after the EC issued a memo to its district officers on June 2, directing them to bar party agents from accessing transfer centers due to violent clashes at some locations.

The initial directive sparked widespread outrage from political parties and civil society organizations, who condemned it as a breach of the democratic process and a potential recipe for electoral irregularities. Former President John Dramani Mahama, flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), even went as far as to accuse the EC of colluding with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) to rig the upcoming December 7 general elections.

However, at a press conference on June 4, the EC announced that it had reconsidered its stance following extensive deliberations. Deputy Commissioner in charge of Operations, Samuel Tettey, confirmed the reversal, paving the way for political party agents to observe the vote transfer process as initially intended.

The EC’s about-face is seen as a victory for transparency and accountability in the electoral process, and a testament to the power of public pressure in holding institutions accountable.”

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