
Dr. Sam Ankrah said ‘No Mask’, Not ‘Own Mask’

In a recent development, Nana Kwame Bediako, founder of The New Force, a political movement, has been accused of misinterpreting Dr. Sam Ankrah’s “No Masked Promises” campaign slogan. Dr. Ankrah, an independent presidential aspirant and leader of AFA, launched his campaign in November 2023, emphasizing transparency and accountability in leadership.

The controversy began when The New Force billboards appeared nationwide in 2023, featuring a masked individual, with the identity of the person behind the mask remaining unknown. Dr. Ankrah’s campaign slogan, “No Masked Promises,” was misconstrued by Bediako as a claim that Dr. Ankrah was the person behind the masked billboards.

However, Dr. Ankrah never stated that he was the individual behind the mask. Instead, his campaign slogan “No Masked Promises” symbolizes the rejection of political facades and a commitment to unmask the truth. The campaign focuses on tangible actions over empty words, aiming to bridge the gap between promises made and promises kept.

Dr. Ankrah’s message emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in leadership, urging the youth to rally behind a movement that champions truth and change. His campaign’s social media post clarifies the meaning of “No Masked Promises,” stating, “The time has come to rally behind a youthful movement that seeks to champion transparency and accountability… ‘No Masked Promises’ symbolizes the rejection of political facades and the commitment to unmask the truth.”

It appears that Bediako’s misunderstanding may be due to a lack of understanding of literacy and simple English language. Dr. Ankrah’s campaign team has not yet responded to Bediako’s claims, but it is clear that the “No Masked Promises” campaign is a call for change and transparency, not a claim of ownership of the masked billboards.

This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding in political discourse, avoiding misconceptions and misinterpretations that can lead to unnecessary conflicts. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial to focus on the actual messages and intentions of political campaigns, rather than making assumptions or misinterpreting slogans.

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