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Agent Of Charity Foundation Supports Kinderhaus Childrens Home

Agent of Charity Foundation (ACF), a Christian human-centered group and non profitable organization that majors on helping and training of vulnerable persons in society with music talents has donated food items, toiletries, sachet water,  detergents and other products to Kinderhaus home in Ekyem near Tikrom a suburb of Kumasi in Ashanti Region.

This Christian Foundation also spent time with this children through music to enable them hunts talent from every children’s home they normally visit.

Setting up drums, piano and other musical instruments, the children were allowed to play and sing while Agent of Charity Foundation Leaders identified talents within the inmates.

Showing profuse happiness, the inmates and the authorities at the Home prayed for the ACF team.

Speaking to this reporter, Reverend Philip Kwaku Acheampong, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Agent of Change Foundation noted that his outfit reaches out to the needy and vulnerable every year.

He stated that the Foundation’s mandate is to minister to the needs of  the vulnerable.

The CEO also disclosed that as part of the Foundation’s outreach to these needy homes, the Foundation finds time to assemble musical instruments and allows the inmates to play so as to unearth music talents amongst them.

“The Agent Charity Foundation by its name is committed to supporting the needy and the vulnerable in the society as well as provide an avenue to explore music talents in them. We have been doing these donations over the years and we intend to do more for the vulnerable”, the CEO stated.

Edward Opoku, a 14 year old inmate at Kinderhaus thanked the CEO and his team for the gesture.

“Most of my colleagues and I have been desirous of such opportunities to sing and play some  musical instruments and so we are grateful that ACF has found time to offer us this privilege”, Master Opoku stated.

Berlinda Ampofo, 13 year old girl at the home  said she was happy to have had the opportunity to sing in public.

“May God bless ACF for helping some of us to publicly express our musical talents and we pray we continue to have these opportunities to better ourselves in the art”, Ms Ampofo said.

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