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Palgrave Boakye Danquah Writes: A Call to Action: Let’s Advance Together and Avoid Embarrassment

As I reflect on our current situation, I am filled with a sense of deep embarrassment and concern for our nation. The recent developments have left me wondering how we, as a people, have come to this point. The political undertones and divisive rhetoric are not only harmful but also embarrassing, and I fear for the implications this may have on our global reputation.

The conversation I’ve been following reminds me of the story of Moses and the Israelites. When Moses returned from receiving the Ten Commandments, he was met with the sight of his people worshiping a golden calf. His anger and disappointment were palpable, and he broke the tablets, symbolizing the broken covenant. However, he remembered the commandments and led his people forward.

Similarly, I urge us to remember our values and principles as Ghanaians. We must not allow our differences to divide us and embarrass us globally. I ask, “Why are we doing this to ourselves?” We have the potential to advance together and make progress, but we must put aside our petty squabbles and work towards a common goal.

Let us not forget how our actions may be perceived by others, like the Polish people. We must strive to be a nation that is respected and admired, not one that is ridiculed and pitied. Let us come together and move forward, leaving our embarrassing moments behind us. We can do better, Ghana. Let’s advance together.

One thought on “Palgrave Boakye Danquah Writes: A Call to Action: Let’s Advance Together and Avoid Embarrassment

  • Nice piece bro ,but the kind of educated illiterate,s poised for power and the level of majority of the citizenry been poor and illiterate is the bain for our recession has a country,the upper class knows this,if the youth of today have found education more important than any other things not attached to it,I think we can move on a right path to the smooth progress of our beloved country


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