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Annoh-Dompreh Slams Biased Global Info Analytics: “Get Real, JM is the Past”

Frank Annoh-Dompreh, the MP for Nsawam Adoagyiri and Majority Chief Whip, has publicly criticized Global Info Analytics for their allegedly inaccurate and biased surveys. Annoh-Dompreh claims that the surveys conducted by the organization are misleading and meant to favor John Mahama and the NDC.

In a recent tweet, Annoh-Dompreh accused Global Info Analytics of projecting John Mahama and the NDC in their surveys, particularly when it comes to the NPP and its leadership. He cited a specific survey conducted ahead of the NPP presidential primaries, which predicted that 54% of voters preferred Alan Kyeremanten to lead the party in the 2024 polls. However, the results of the primaries showed a different outcome, with Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia emerging as the winner with 61.43% of the valid votes.

Dr. Bawumia’s victory in the NPP internal contest was clear, securing 118,210 votes out of 193,339 cast and winning 14 out of 16 regions. Annoh-Dompreh also highlighted another survey conducted by Global Info Analytics, which projected a run-off in the NPP primaries race with Bawumia leading with 43.5%.

Annoh-Dompreh expressed his frustration with Global Info Analytics in his tweet, accusing them of projecting John Mahama over Dr. Bawumia. He emphasized that John Mahama would not be president again and criticized the organization for becoming increasingly redundant and irrelevant.

It is clear that Annoh-Dompreh has strong opinions about the accuracy and bias of Global Info Analytics’ surveys, particularly when it comes to political figures like Dr. Bawumia and John Mahama. The ongoing debate surrounding the credibility of survey results and their impact on political perceptions continues to be a topic of interest in Ghanaian politics.

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