
Resolute MP for Mfantseman Carries on Spouse’s Vision for Progress

The atmosphere at Abandzi-Ahanso-Wodzi was filled with excitement as the Member of Parliament for Mfantseman Consistency, Mrs Ophilia Mansah Hayford, joined worshipers in a thanksgiving service. Mrs Hayford, who recently won the NPP Parliamentary Elections, expressed her gratitude to God for her victory and for completing all the uncompleted projects left by her predecessors.

In a chat with THE METRO LENS, Mrs Hayford revealed that she has been visiting churches and mosques in the Consistency to thank God for her win and to seek for continued support from the people. She emphasized that her victory was a result of God’s grace and the trust that the people have in her leadership.

Mrs Hayford also announced her new appointment as a Cabinet Minister and assured the people of Mfantseman of more development projects to come. She was accompanied by the Constituency Organizer, Mr Abakah Cann, and other Consistency executives.

The Communications Officer, Mr Ogyama Essilfie, urged the electorate to retain Mrs Hayford and Vice President Dr Bawumia in the upcoming elections, highlighting the importance of having two vibrant cabinet ministers from Mfantseman in governance.

Overall, the visit to Abandzi-Ahanso-Wodzi was a moment of celebration and gratitude as Mrs Hayford continues to serve the good people of Mfantseman with dedication and commitment.

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