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The Bold Fresh Ideas of the Future or the Failed Stale Ideas of the past – Dr. Bawumia vs. John Mahama – Raynelle Boadu opines

Raynelle Boadu opines……….

“I entered politics to serve the nation. My passion is solving problems, helping the poor, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged in society. Accumulation of wealth has never been my passion,” H.E Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia – Vice President of the Republic of Ghana and flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party.

The above quote, aside from being an apt description of a man yet unsullied by the evils of corruption nor ensnared by the trappings of public office, is also the guiding principle that has informed his life all these years. Suffice to say, the opposite is also not only true of his main competitor H.E John Mahama but most instructively, he is empty on every level imaginable and bereft of fresh ideas, I mean ground breaking fresh ideas (Not nkokɔ buo nkete nkete and an abstract 24hr economy stale ideas).

When it was announced, H.E Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was going to deliver yet another ground breaking speech, where his aim was to proffer bold solutions for the future, the excitement aside, one could almost immediately smell the fear of horror and dread that instinctively gripped the opposition. And boy!!!! He delivered. The brilliance of his delivery was not just his eloquence and confidence but most crucially, the boldness of the well thought out intelligent solutions he stated for his presidency given the nod. Little wonder the aftermath of his delivery has seen the airwaves and every platform for discussion saturated with analysis of the brevity of his ideas. Except for the few punctuated, largely uninspiring weak attempts by the NDC to discredit him, the popular opinion has been one of acclaim and aplomb and admiration. But of course I am not surprised, Dr. Bawumia is that good.

By sheer stroke of brilliance and political savviness, the man has succeeded, yet again in raising the political discourse and lifting the standards of pursuing the presidency very high. By dint of this strike, it is now expected of anyone running for president to follow the high course chattered by Dr. Bawumia.

Clearly, this presents an existential threat to John Mahama and his bunch of desperadoes, who parade the length and breadth of this country, combing every nuke and cranny with stale, unintelligent, largely failed ideas asking to be handed the reigns of governance again. Needless to say, they fall way below the now expected lofty standards as set by Dr. Digital. This has left many questioning how John Mahama’s nkokɔ buo nkete nkete compares with Dr. Bawumia’s digital ideas for example. Wondering how his 24hr economy will operate given that Ghana already operates a 24hr economy with the implementation of digitalization. They want to know how Mahama, whose solution to unemployment was telling the youth to cut grass and gather stones to sell, compares to Dr. Bawumia whose solution to unemployment has been to support a massive industrialization drive, putting factories in every district to employ the youth. They are questioning the logic of choosing a certain failure of the past over an exciting prospect of the future.

Without sounding like a broken record, I must say without fear of contradiction or doubt or any equivocation whatsoever, safely assured in the knowledge that I speak for the millions who twice rejected this failed commodity called John Mahama, that, governance is a serious business best left for the serious minds to pursue not the pedestrian flip flopping empty barrels.

Ghana stands at a crossroads, where little room is left for failure and error. John Mahama’s failure as president inherently must consign him to the past as a historical reference and academic literature for students of governance on how not to govern a nation. He best serves our interest as an elder statesman, peacefully retired to his country home up North, minding his business.

With Dr. Bawumia, the future is brightly digital, pregnant with bold solutions and the possibilities are endless. Let us set the destiny of our nation on a path of growth with Dr. Bawumia at the helm, directing affairs and orchestrating the symphony to build a prosperous developed nation.

God bless our homeland Ghana, where bold solutions for the future is the new paradigm.

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