
Jailed Chinese National Escapes from Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

In a shocking turn of events, a Chinese national imprisoned at Nsawam Medium Prison has managed to escape. The prisoner, who had been convicted of stealing and other crimes, reportedly feigned illness to be transferred to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital for treatment. It was during his stay at the hospital that he executed his audacious escape on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. The circumstances surrounding his departure from the hospital premises without detection remain unknown.

The Ghana Prison Service considers this escape a significant security breach and is determined to apprehend the fugitive. Superintendent Abdul Latif Adamu, the public relations officer for the Ghana Prisons Service, has assured the public that their team is working tirelessly to locate and recapture the escapee.

“We have received several leads that are proving to be fruitful in our investigation,” stated Mr. Adamu. However, he emphasized that the investigation is still ongoing, and the authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to rectify this security breach.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for enhanced security measures within the prison system. The Ghana Prison Service must review its protocols and ensure that such incidents are prevented in the future. The escape of a foreign national from a highly secure facility raises questions about the effectiveness of the prison’s security measures and the need for immediate improvements.

The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity that may lead to the capture of the escaped prisoner. The Ghana Prison Service is counting on the support and cooperation of the public to bring this fugitive back into custody and restore the integrity of the prison system.

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