
One Student, One Tablet Computer Kicks off in April, 1.4 million SHS students benefit, Adutwum Promises as President Commissions modern science laboratories at Wesley Girls High School

Wesley Girls High School celebrated its 187th anniversary, and the Minister of Education, Osei Yaw Adutwum, joined President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo at the joyous celebration and Speech and Prize Giving Day.

During the celebration, the President commended the school’s contributions to education in Ghana and encouraged students to strive for excellence. The minister reaffirmed the government’s commitment to investing in education and ensuring every child has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute positively to society.

As part of efforts to improve educational infrastructure, the President and the minister commissioned six modern science laboratories at Wesley Girls High School, providing students with cutting-edge resources for hands-on learning experiences.

The new laboratories will enable students to conduct experiments and engage in practical activities that will enhance their understanding of scientific concepts. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, these labs will empower students to explore and discover the wonders of science, fostering their curiosity and passion for the subject.

The atmosphere at the event was filled with joy as present and past students, teachers, and dignitaries celebrated the school’s achievements. Witnessing the dedication of the school community to excellence, integrity, and service was truly inspiring.

In addition to the commissioning of the science laboratories, Minister Adutwum made an exciting announcement during his speech. Starting from April, every single student in the 1.4 million senior high school population will receive a tablet computer each as part of the “One Student One Tablet” initiative. This initiative aims to boost the 4th Industrial Revolution and create a learning management system where homework and class activities can be done online.

Furthermore, all teachers will be provided with training to effectively integrate technology into their teaching methods. The introduction of tablets and online learning platforms will not only enhance students’ access to educational resources but also prepare them for the digital age, equipping them with the necessary skills for future success.

Minister Adutwum encouraged the school’s alumni, known as the “old girls,” to support this initiative by providing smart boards to create a 360-degree technology-driven smart school environment. By embracing technology in education, Wesley Girls High School aims to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that will empower students to thrive in the modern world.

The Minister expressed his joy at being part of such a significant occasion and eagerly anticipates witnessing the continued success of Wesley Girls High School in the future. With the combination of modern science laboratories and the “One Student One Tablet” initiative, the school is poised to provide its students with a well-rounded and technologically advanced education, preparing them for a bright future ahead.

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