
NDC Executives Hold Sword, Swear To Sacrifice First Borns…If They Sell Out Party In December 7 Elections

By: Isaac Boamah Darko

In a bid to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its agenda for the 2020 General Elections, the then Director of Elections, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, along with several other party members, took a solemn oath. The video capturing this event has since gone viral on social media, sparking widespread discussion and debate, although it happened in 2020.

In the video, Ankrah can be seen passionately swearing that he would rather face death than betray the NDC for personal gain in the forthcoming election. He goes further to invoke a curse upon himself, declaring that if he were to sell out the party, may he die, and may his first-born child suffer the same fate.

The oath-taking ceremony was not exclusive to Ankrah alone, as numerous other NDC members were also seen participating. It is believed that this initiative aims to solidify the party’s unity and determination to regain power, while ensuring that no member compromises the NDC’s objectives.

The NDC has consistently maintained that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has brought significant harm to the country during its tenure, and it is imperative that they are ousted from power at all costs. This oath-taking ceremony is seen as a symbolic gesture to emphasize the party’s commitment to this cause.

While some have applauded the NDC’s display of loyalty and dedication, others have expressed concerns about the intensity of the oath and its potential consequences. Critics argue that such oaths may hinder open and constructive dialogue within the party, as members may fear expressing dissenting opinions for fear of facing the consequences outlined in the oath.

However, party supporters argue that this oath serves as a powerful deterrent against corruption and betrayal, ensuring that NDC members remain steadfast in their commitment to the party’s values and objectives.

As the 2024 General Elections draw nearer, the NDC’s oath-taking ceremony has undoubtedly intensified the political landscape, generating discussions about the party’s unity and determination. With both supporters and critics weighing in on the matter, only time will tell how this oath will impact the NDC’s electoral campaign and its quest to regain power.

In the coming months, it will be interesting to observe how the NDC continues to rally its members and engage with the electorate, as they strive to present a formidable challenge to the ruling NPP. The oath-taking ceremony has undoubtedly added an extra layer of intensity and commitment to the NDC’s campaign, making the upcoming elections all the more intriguing.

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