
Controler and Accountant-General Denies Allegations of Putting Delegates on Payroll

Accusations made by a panelist on the Tv3 morning show “The key point” have been refuted by the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department (CAGD). The panelist alleged that the CAGD had included the names of delegates on the payroll, resulting in them receiving salaries for two years. The CAGD has categorically denied these claims, stating that they are false, unsubstantiated, and a display of ignorance regarding the Government payroll management process.

The CAGD is responsible for the financial management and payroll administration of the Government of Ghana. It is an esteemed institution that upholds professionalism, transparency, and integrity. The allegations made against the Controller and Accountant-General not only tarnish the reputation of the individual in question but also cast doubt on the entire institution and its commitment to serving the nation.

The payroll system of the Government of Ghana is a complex process that involves multiple layers of scrutiny, verification, and established protocols. The initiation of payroll processes, such as recruitment, promotion, demotion, termination, and deletion of staff, are the responsibilities of the Employer MDAs/MMDAs. These transactions are captured on prescribed input forms and processed at the Personnel Processing Sections of the Employer MDAs/MMDAs.

The CAGD validates these processed input forms by ensuring that all relevant documents are attached. Prior to the payment of salaries, an Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (ESPV) detailing staff numbers, names, grades, and salary payable to every employee is sent to Employer MDAs/MMDAs for validation. The validation process requires Employer MDAs/MMDAs to confirm the legitimacy of names and amounts payable as salary on the payment vouchers. No employee is paid without validation by the employer.

The CAGD operates under a system of checks and balances, with various oversight mechanisms in place to prevent malpractice or abuse. Internal audits, external audits, and regular reviews conducted by independent bodies are part of these mechanisms. Any irregularities or discrepancies in the payroll system would be promptly identified and thoroughly investigated.

The allegations suggesting that the Controller and Accountant-General manipulated the payroll system and included unauthorized names for two years are not only false and baseless but also undermine the integrity of the Department. It is crucial that credible evidence and due process of verifications are relied upon before making such ill-minded and outrageous accusations that can have far-reaching consequences.

The CAGD invites any independent investigation into the allegations and is committed to restoring and upholding the reputation of the Controller and Accountant-General, as well as the integrity of the Department.

The Controller and Accountant-General’s Department urges the public to give due consideration to this rejoinder and provide an opportunity for the truth to prevail.

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