
I will prioritize national unity in my government – Alan

Mr. John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, who contests the 2024 elections as an Independent Presidential candidate says he would engage politicians and non politicians alike in running his government.

The founder of the Movement for Change said an independent candidate as President is the best the country can have.

Mr. Kyerematen told listeners of TV3’s New Day in an exclusive interview with Berla Mundi, the host that he would engage NPP, NDC, CPP and a larger number of experienced and skilled professional to deliver a National Unity policy.

According to the former Minister of Trade, his presidential bid is influenced by his ambition as an agent of change and transformation since being in the Presidency gives one the best opportunity to bring about the desired change.

Going independent means he would be dealing directly with over 5.5 million voters and floating voters who identify with his Great Transformational Plan (GTP), he told the TV host on Wednesday.

He said he is in politics because he wants to serve the people of Ghana and that he has proved his worth under two NPP administrations.

He said Ghana needs a new transformational leader and not another political leader, hence the Movement for change which could be anchored on moving Ghana beyond the duopoly of NDC and NPP towards a more united government, under which the governance structure will focus on one national agenda.

Mr. Kyerematen said central to his transformational agenda is the GTP and behavioural change of Ghanaians towards productivity against attitude to work, lack of discipline and disrespect for rule of law and arrogance of power which are counterproductive.

He said he is seeking the support of Ghanaians to executive his Transformational Agenda which comes in 15 different components including agricultural and industrial revolution and energy security.

Mr. Kyerematen believes Ghanaians will make him the President because he has what it takes to move Ghana forward on the wings of the Butterfly which symbolizes change, hope and positivity aligned to the transformational process.

He urged Ghanaians to read the GTP and appreciate his plan to change Ghana.

Mr. Alan Kyerematen has since September 25, 2023 resigned as a member of the NPP having earlier withdrawn his candidacy as a presidential hopeful of the NPP. E N D.

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