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Sammy Gyamfi Esq. Writes: Limited Voter Registration: A Call to Uphold Constitutional Rights –

In a recent Facebook post, I express my concern over the ongoing limited voter registration process and the potential obstacles it poses to eligible voters. The purpose of this registration is to ensure that individuals who have reached the age of 18 or above are included in the electoral roll, granting them the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in public elections and referenda, as stipulated in Article 42 of our Constitution.

Furthermore, it is crucial to note that individuals who register and are 21 years or above will also have the right to contest in public elections. This provision is particularly significant as we approach the District/Municipal/Metropolitan Assembly and Unit Committee elections in 2023, where voters will have the chance to elect leaders to represent them at these levels of governance.

However, it is deeply concerning that some individuals are being discouraged from registering due to unnecessary impediments deliberately placed in their path. To suggest that eligible voters should defer their registration until next year is equivalent to asking them to postpone the exercise of their constitutional and inalienable right to vote in the upcoming Assembly and Unit Committee elections, or even to contest in these elections themselves.

Such a proposition is not only nonsensical but also preposterous and entirely unacceptable. It is essential that we rise against this obscene tyranny and ensure that every eligible voter is given the opportunity to participate in our democratic processes.

As citizens, we have a duty to protect and uphold our constitutional rights. The right to vote is the cornerstone of any democratic society, and it is our responsibility to safeguard this fundamental right for all eligible individuals. By discouraging or obstructing eligible voters from registering, we undermine the principles of democracy and deny citizens their rightful voice in the decision-making process.

I call upon all well-meaning Ghanaians to join me in demanding a fair and accessible limited voter registration process. Let us stand up against any attempts to suppress or hinder the exercise of our constitutional rights. Our democracy thrives when every eligible citizen is given the opportunity to participate fully, and we must ensure that this principle is upheld.

Together, let us fight against this injustice and ensure that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. Our voices matter, and our votes count. Let us not allow any impediments to stand in the way of our democratic progress.

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