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Political Parties Call on Electoral Commission to Reconsider Voter Registration Modalities

Accra, Monday, 21st August 2023 – In a press conference held today at the Ghana International Press Centre, a coalition of political parties including GCPP, LPG, CPP, PNC, APC, NDP, and GFP expressed their concerns over the recent announcement by the Electoral Commission (EC) regarding the upcoming voter registration exercise.

The political parties highlighted that the EC’s decision to commence the registration exercise from Tuesday, 12th September to Monday, 2nd October 2023, and limiting the registration centers to only the 268 offices of the Electoral Commission, was not in line with the consensus reached during the IPAC meeting held on Wednesday, 16th August 2023.

During the IPAC meeting, all political parties present, along with sections of Civil Society Organizations, objected to the registration exercise being limited to the EC offices. They argued that this would hinder the participation of the general public, create unnecessary tension due to concentrated numbers, and impose a financial burden on individuals and political parties who would need to provide transportation for their members and constituents.

The coalition of political parties also expressed concerns about the replacement of lost ID cards during the registration exercise, citing past instances of abuse and potential re-registration. They emphasized that the focus should be on ensuring a free, fair, and transparent electoral process, rather than allowing room for fraudulent activities.

The political parties further raised concerns about the accessibility of the EC offices, particularly for eligible registrants in remote areas. They highlighted the challenges posed by long distances, poor road conditions, and the potential for voter suppression due to these factors. They called for a more decentralized approach to the registration exercise, similar to previous practices, to ensure wider participation and accessibility.

The coalition of political parties suggested that the EC should consider using a combination of electoral areas and district offices for the registration exercise, allowing for a more convenient and less burdensome process. They proposed a 7-day registration period in electoral areas, followed by a 7-day mop-up exercise at the district offices.

The political parties expressed disappointment with the EC’s decision to proceed with the registration exercise without considering their concerns and feedback. They called on the EC, particularly its Chairperson, Madam Jean Mensah, to reconsider the modalities and make the process more accessible and convenient for all eligible voters.

In conclusion, the coalition of political parties emphasized the importance of building a strong and credible electoral institution that upholds Ghana’s democratic values. They urged the EC to prioritize inclusivity and ensure that every eligible Ghanaian has the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

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