
Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana Calls for African Countries to Withdraw Contributions from the World Bank

Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana has strongly criticized the World Bank’s recent decision to halt new lending to the Ugandan government due to its anti-LGBTQ law. The organization argues that this action is not only hypocritical but also discriminatory towards African nations.

The World Bank justified its decision by stating that the Ugandan law contradicts its values. However, Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana questions the selective approach taken by the organization. Many countries in the Middle East and Asia, which receive significant funding from the World Bank, have similar or even harsher laws on homosexuality. It raises concerns about the World Bank’s inconsistency in its lending policies.

Furthermore, the organization expresses disappointment in the targeting of African nations by international organizations. The World Bank’s decision to single out Uganda has raised suspicions about the underlying motives behind such actions. Discriminatory laws exist in various parts of the world, including within the United States of America, where certain states have passed laws that restrict or oppose homosexuality. Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana emphasizes the need for fair treatment and equal consideration for all nations.

In response to these developments, Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana is calling on African countries to withdraw their contributions from the World Bank en bloc. The organization believes that African nations should take control of their own financial destiny by establishing their own Africa Bank. This move would enable them to address their unique challenges and foster development without external interference.

The organization also highlights the vision of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who advocated for the creation of an African Development Bank. Regrettably, his vision was thwarted, and he paid the ultimate price for his aspirations. Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana urges African nations to learn from history and work towards establishing a financial institution that caters to the needs and aspirations of the African continent.

Furthermore, the organization calls on the Parliament of Ghana to expedite the passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ law without delay. It emphasizes the importance of protecting cultural values and upholding the will of the Ghanaian people. Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana urges all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, media outlets, and the general public, to support this cause and stand against any form of discrimination.

Journalists Against LGBTQ+ Ghana remains committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of all Ghanaians while promoting a fair and inclusive society.

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