
4 months into Office, How Brian Acheampong’s Initiatives Are Transforming Agric Sector

By: Isaac Boamah Darko
Accra, Ghana

Dr. Bryan Acheampong, the Minister for Food and Agriculture, has made significant strides in transforming Ghana’s agricultural sector in just four months since assuming office. During an interview on Peace Fm, Kokrokoo with Chairman General Kwame Safakyi, Dr. Bryan highlighted the achievements and outlined the future plans for the sector.

One of the major accomplishments under Dr. Bryan’s leadership is the development of the Planting for Food and Jobs Phase II (PFJ 2.0). This groundbreaking program has received cabinet approval and aims to revolutionize the agricultural sector by shifting from input subsidies to smallholder farmers to an inclusive input credit system within an effective value chain structure. The PFJ 2.0 will not only foster import substitution and stabilize food prices but also boost exports, lower entry barriers, and create job opportunities.

Another key achievement is the revival of the cocoa subsector through a comprehensive turnaround strategy for COCOBOD. Dr. Bryan and his team have developed a strategy that focuses on strengthening institutional structures, reviewing producer pricing mechanisms, and implementing prudent measures to reduce and rationalize expenditures. This strategy is expected to restore COCOBOD’s financial health within two years and ensure farmers receive remunerative prices for their cocoa produce.

Recognizing the importance of irrigation for all-year-round production, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture has initiated the development of the Affram plains irrigation project. This project aims to enhance water availability, promote crop diversification, and build resilience to climate change in the area. It is expected to provide a lifeline for farmers, enabling them to produce vegetables and cereals throughout the year.

In addition to these achievements, Dr. Bryan has also prioritized honoring the ministry’s obligations by facilitating the payment of arrears for suppliers of inputs for the National Fertilizer Company (NAFCO) and the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) program. This gesture demonstrates the ministry’s commitment to maintaining good relations with its partners and ensuring the smooth functioning of these vital programs.

Looking ahead, Dr. Bryan envisions an agriculture sector that is embraced by all Ghanaians, transcending political boundaries. He is determined to achieve sustainable national food security, self-sufficiency, and a thriving agri-business. His plans include rolling out the PFJ 2.0 strategy for 11 targeted commodities to increase production for local consumption and export. Additionally, he aims to establish an agricultural enclave specifically for youth and women, providing them with opportunities to contribute to the sector’s growth and development.

Dr. Bryan Acheampong’s leadership and strategic initiatives have brought about remarkable transformations in Ghana’s agricultural sector. With a focus on innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability, he is set to propel the sector to new heights in the coming months and ensure a prosperous future for Ghana’s food and agriculture industry.

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