
Story Time: The Minister’s Betrayal

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Accra, Ghana, a shocking scandal unfolded, leaving the nation in disbelief. Ghanaians were calling for justice as they demanded the arrest, investigation, and prosecution of Cecilia Abena Dapaah, Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, and her husband, Daniel Osei Kuffour, over the discovery of an enormous amount of money in their house.

The story began with the arrest of two house assistants, Patience Botwe and Sarah Agyei. The young and the experienced, respectively, they were accused of being involved in a series of thefts that had taken place in the Minister’s residence in Abelemkpe.

The thefts, which spanned from July to October 2022, involved staggering amounts of money, including US$1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghana Cedis. The stolen funds were not the only items taken; personal belongings, such as clothes, handbags, perfumes, and jewelry, were also reported missing.

As the investigation unfolded, it became apparent that the thefts were not isolated incidents. Patience and Sarah were not acting alone; they were part of a larger network. The court charged three additional individuals: Benjamin, a plumber, Kweku Botwe, a trader, and Malik Dauda, an unemployed individual. Each was alleged to have dishonestly received various amounts of money.

The accused individuals appeared before Judge Susana Ekuful in an Accra Circuit Court. Sarah, who was a breastfeeding mother, was granted bail, while Patience, along with her alleged boyfriends and father, was remanded into custody.

The court proceedings revealed shocking details about the stolen funds. Patience and her associates had used the money to finance their lavish lifestyles, including purchasing properties, vehicles, and funding personal expenses. It was a stark contrast to the third-world country they lived in, leaving many Ghanaians questioning how the Minister and her husband had accumulated such wealth.

The scandal sent shockwaves throughout the nation, with Ghanaians demanding answers and justice. The call for the Special Prosecutor to intervene grew louder, as the people sought to hold Cecilia Abena Dapaah and her husband accountable for their alleged involvement in the illicit activities.

As the case was adjourned to August 2, 2023, Ghanaians anxiously awaited the outcome of the investigation. The nation hoped that justice would prevail, and those responsible for the thefts would be held accountable, regardless of their social status or political connections.

The Minister’s betrayal had shaken the trust of the people, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in public office. It served as a reminder that no one is above the law and that the pursuit of justice should always prevail, regardless of one’s position or power.

In the end, it was a story that would leave a lasting impact on Ghana, serving as a catalyst for change and a reminder of the importance of integrity and honesty in public service.

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