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“Ghana’s Crucial 2024 Elections: A Choice Between Transformative Change or Continued Mismanagement” – Dr. Sam Ankrah

As a political observer and a patriotic Ghanaian, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of sadness and disappointment when I compare the promising foundations laid by visionary leader Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first President, to the current state of affairs in our beloved country. It is evident that the two main political parties, the NPP and NDC, have failed to live up to their responsibilities, leading Ghana down a path of mismanagement and stagnation.
With the 2024 general elections on the horizon, I believe this is perhaps the most important moment in Ghana’s history, as it will determine whether we change course towards transformative development or continue to be at the mercy of reckless and self-seeking politicians.
Loss of Hope in the Main Political Parties: Both the NPP and NDC have been given countless opportunities to steer Ghana on the right course, but they have repeatedly disappointed the citizenry who trusted them with their votes. These parties, once elected into power, have transformed promising presidential candidates into underperformers, prioritizing personal gain over the well-being of the nation. This disheartening narrative has led me to lose faith in their ability to bring about the change Ghana desperately needs.
Investing Hope in an Independent Candidate:
Amidst this disillusionment, I have found hope in the potential emergence of Ghana’s proverbial messiah through the independent candidate channel. One figure who has captured my attention and ignited my optimism is Dr. Sam Ankrah, a renowned economist dedicated to ending the suffering of Ghanaians and delivering the visionary leadership our nation deserves. My journey with Dr. Ankrah began two years ago when he delivered a counter-state of the nation address, displaying an impressive wisdom and profound understanding of Ghana’s problems and their possible solutions.
Dr. Ankrah’s Visionary Leadership
However, it was Dr. Ankrah’s Republic Day speech on 1st July 2023 that truly solidified my trust in him. In his address, he highlighted how the 1992 constitution, which has contributed significantly to Ghana’s problems, must be revised. His alternative suggestions for each issue he raised showcased his competence and dedication to addressing Ghana’s challenges head-on. It is through such insightful speeches and his clear vision for Ghana’s future that Dr. Ankrah has won me over as a supporter.
The Shock of Plagiarism
Regrettably, my enthusiasm has been jolted by recent findings that the NDC presidential campaign of John Dramani Mahama has adopted, or rather, plagiarized and stolen, the standout campaign slogan of Dr. Ankrah: “Second Independence – Enough is Enough.” This slogan emphasizes that Ghana has squandered the opportunities presented by its initial independence from colonial rule in 1957 due to successive bad leadership, and now desperately needs a second independence to truly liberate the country.
The NDC’s Audacity
I was shocked and alarmed to witness the NDC, that have been in power alongside the NPP since Ghana’s democratic dispensation, lay claim to a second independence. How can a party that has been a part of the problem suddenly present itself as the solution? Ghanaians need true independence and a well-deserved break from both the NDC and the NPP. A thorough social media audit reveals that Dr. Ankrah’s campaign has long used this slogan, with designed campaign posters shared on his platforms, long before John Mahama played hanky-panky with Ghanaians regarding his candidacy.
As a patriotic Ghanaian, I urge my fellow citizens to think critically and consider the long-term implications of their choices in the upcoming 2024 elections. We cannot afford to let our future be dictated by the same political parties that have repeatedly failed us. It is time for a transformative change, and Dr. Sam Ankrah represents a beacon of hope in this regard. Let us embrace a visionary leader who understands the complexities of our nation and is committed to charting a new course toward a prosperous and independent Ghana.

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